We all know the importance of staying hydrated and how critical water is for our health, but what about pets? How important is water for your pet’s health, and how can you be sure they have enough water to stay healthy and hydrated?
Water is necessary for the same bodily functions in pets as it is in their owners, including:
With so many essential functions dependent on proper hydration, it is critical that pets get the water they need throughout the day.
The daily amount of water different pets will need depends on many factors. Different animal species need different amounts of water, and the animal’s overall size also determines whether it needs more or less water – larger animals require more water than smaller creatures. Very active, energetic animals typically need more water, as will female animals that are lactating to feed young. An animal’s diet can impact how much additional water it needs, as animals that eat wet foods or vegetables with a high water content may need to drink less. Similarly, animals in very dry or hot climates tend to need more water. An animal’s daily water needs may also change as it ages.
In general, dogs require one-half to one ounce of water per pound of body weight each day. Cats need less water, and 5-10 ounces of drinking water per day is typically sufficient for a cat. Both cats and dogs that eat wet food will need somewhat less water than expected each day.
Dehydration can be very subtle and not all animals will show a lack of water the same way. Typical symptoms of strong dehydration include:
When pets start to show signs of dehydration, it is important to get them to drink right away. Rehydration should be slow but steady, and the animal should be kept calm and relaxed so it can recover. If dehydration is not treated, the animal may suffer from heat stroke, shock, or organ damage, particular to the heart and kidneys. In severe cases, dehydration can be fatal.
There are many creative ways to be sure your pet gets enough to drink. To provide enough water to keep your pet hydrated and healthy…
At the same time, don’t use up your pet’s precious body hydration. Avoid exercise during the hottest part of the day, and be sure the animal always has a cool, shaded space to rest. Stay alert to possible sighs of dehydration, and take action immediately if your pet needs more water.
With enough drinking options, most animals will have no trouble getting enough water to ensure good health, and by ensuring they stay hydrated, you’re helping your pet live a long, healthy life.
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